*** The information provided to you in a coaching session pertaining to your health, business, career, or any other aspect of your life is not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. You agree and acknowledge that Alison is not providing medical advice, mental health advice, or religious advice in any way. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have. No information presented here or in products is intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental illness or condition.
Absolutely life changing!! The amount of depth and wisdom Alison has, and the shifts and “aha” moments I experienced in our session was unbelievable! She is a vibration raiser and energy healer. Our hour together was such a gift and one of the greatest investments I’ve ever made for myself and my business! -Hannah
Alison instantly put me at ease. She answered a lot of tough questions, then dug in deeper to help me find some important answers. The time flew by, and it was full of laughs, advice, and brilliant insights. -Mary
My TIME with Alison was EXACTLY what I needed!! During our TIME together, we were able to uncover some important old truths about myself I needed to confront, as well as identify some shifts I could start to implement right away (and I did!) -Melaine
I’m blown away and feel as though my pickax of life struck a diamond when Alison and I began to speak…she is such a kind soul with so much intuition and I truly enjoyed our talk. I loved how she created a vision in under an hour for my pile of wild ideas! -Emily
SPECIAL BONUS: You will be granted access to all of my online courses including Alison's Brand School! We'll hook you up with any worksheets, meditations, courses, anything that is applicable to your goal!
SIX 90-Minute One-on-One Calls! (2 calls a month)
ALL audio files from each call that you have access to forever!
ACCESS to my personal list of contacts! Networking anyone?
THREE months (90-days) of One-on-One Coaching with Alison! Including:
Anyone who knows (or wants to know) that HOW you accomplish your goals and dreams matters as much, if not more, than WHAT those goals and dreams are!
Someone who is ready to hold themselves financially and mentally accountable TO GET IT GOING!
Do you want to write a book? Host an event? Create life-long thought patterns that bring peace and joy regardless of results?
But ALSO get awesome results (we’re only human!)
Creating a sense of safety and peace after trauma–in your body home and or work
Starting the thing you’ve been too afraid/ stuck to start
Building a business, side project, or work goal!
Befriending yourself so you can trust, hear and act on your truth
What types of things can be your “IT” in the Get “IT” going?!:
But do it gently, with compassion, and with more fun!!!
for 90 days we will GET IT GOING, but the tools you master will continue to help you FOR-EV-ER!
I like to think of it as the practical magic, the doable–but, not necessarily sexy, building blocks–of a life guided by your authentic self, and what makes YOU, YOU!
I will help you identify what small and simple steps YOU can take in the direction of your dream. And then I’ll be your personal guide, cheerleader and wayfinder as you DO THE DAMN THING!
Together we will narrow down and zoom in on the “IT” you want to get going, and then we will outline personalized steps FOR YOU to TAKE!
The best news is, these steps will help create a life-long habit of TUNING IN to yourself so that you can take more effortless action that is aligned with what brings you joy, lights you up, and accesses your unique magic!
Go from an idea, confusion, an inkling of an idea or flat out stuck, to movement and expansion!
A 3 month process oriented program to help you work in flow with ease, and inspiration! So you can GET IT GOING! Whatever “IT!” is for you!
with alison as your guide!
90-Days to Get It Going!
I just have a lot of feelings!
SAME! Tune into my podcast, The Alison Show, and we can feel those feelings together!